Scéna z filmu Urban Cowboys
Scéna z filmu Urban Cowboys

Urban Cowboys

Can a horse save a life? In Clondalkin that’s exactly the case. Young people tame wild horses and become... urban cowboys.

Can a horse save a life? In Clondalkin (Dublin) that’s exactly the case. In a district where there is a lot of problems and not a lot of prospects, young people face drugs, prison and the path of crime. But some of them manage to escape into an unusual hobby. They tame wild horses and become…urban cowboys. When 14-year-old Dylan hits a dark patch in his life, he finds comfort in Shelly, a white mare that quickly becomes his whole world. Even though taming of wild horses is illegal in Ireland and Shelly’s hooves are not used to the concrete streets, their unlikely friendship grows stronger.

  • Polsko
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