Scéna z filmu Opera Glasses
Scéna z filmu Opera Glasses

Opera Glasses

While the first guests are waiting outside in the cold, the Opera House of Kyiv is slowly awaking. The Orchestra is rehearsing and the preparations in the cloakroom are ongoing. All of a sudden the people from the outside are flooding the corridors and halls of the Opera...

While the first guests are waiting outside in the cold, the Opera House of Kyiv is slowly awaking. The Orchestra is rehearsing and the preparations in the cloakroom are ongoing. All of a sudden the people from the outside are flooding the corridors and halls of the Opera. The foyer turns into a stage while the spectators and workers become actors. The film Opera Glasses is solely focussing on the locations outside the auditorium, while observing authentic gestures of preparation, boredom and humour.

  • Německo
Zvukové stopy 

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