Malla Grapengiesser has a background in art, theatre and performance art. She previously studied literature, art and film at the University of Stockholm. Between 1989 and 1991, she was a member of the International Performance Group Remote Control with Begian director, Michael Laub. In 1994, she established the independent film production company Hysteria Film AB, alongside Antonio Russo Merenda. Amongst her most well-known productions is the multi-award winning documentary, Searching for Sugarman. More recently, she founded the production company Fosfor Produktion AB.
Portál je výsledkem tvůrčí spolupráce 7 klíčových evropských festivalů dokumentárního filmu sdružených do Doc Alliance. Naším cílem je posouvat hranice dokumentárního filmu, propagovat jeho rozmanitost a podporovat kvalitní autorské filmy.