Alexandra Pianelli

Alexandra Pianelli (Francie)

Alexandra Pianelli is a visual artist and film-maker. Her practice revolves around the notions of work and play, and she likes to tinker and likes to define herself as a Swiss Army knife. Her work is based on a quest for the other. The one we didn't see, even though we were right next door. She starts from a documentary approach in which reality meets fiction, and strives, in the form of a game, to bring together levels of reality that have been kept far apart.

For some years now, she has been making films in her workplace, in which she can be seen at work, in the process of making something. Making a film out of a food job (or vice versa: choosing a food job with a view to making a film) allows her, as an artist, to stop dividing her time between finding the means to live and the time to create.

Portál je výsledkem tvůrčí spolupráce 7 klíčových evropských festivalů dokumentárního filmu sdružených do Doc Alliance. Naším cílem je posouvat hranice dokumentárního filmu, propagovat jeho rozmanitost a podporovat kvalitní autorské filmy.

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