Caroline Guimbal

Caroline Guimbal (Belgie)

After earning a MA in cinematography from Institute of Media Arts (Belgium), Caroline Guimbal started to work as a director of photography for documentaries and fictional films. She focuses her work on encountering and seeking new languages to shoot in an intimate way. She recently collaborated with Alexandra Kandy Longuet on the film Vacancy, that won an award for Best World Documentary Film in 2018 Ji.hlava IDFF, and worked together with Annick Ghijzelings on the film Ma'ohi Nui, In the Heart of the Ocean My Country Lies that was selected for the Berlinale and won the Special Mention Award for Best Cinematography at the Sole Luna Festival in 2018.

In 2009, she discovered Ukraine and its capital city Kyiv for the first time, as her friend Léa Tonnaire moved there. In 2014, she has worked as the director of photography for Veronika Glasunowa and Lukasz Lakomy documentary film Long Echoes, shot in the Donbass warzone, in eastern Ukraine. Through the years and the trips, she has built a special connection with Ukraine; she has learned Russian language that is still the main spoken language in Kyiv. The idea of making a film with Léa Tonnaire about the future of young generations and their relationship to time germinated and in 2018, the project get started, they made a feature-length documentary film in Kyiv called It’s night outside in which they have filmed close relatives experiencing a period of big change in their life.

Portál je výsledkem tvůrčí spolupráce 7 klíčových evropských festivalů dokumentárního filmu sdružených do Doc Alliance. Naším cílem je posouvat hranice dokumentárního filmu, propagovat jeho rozmanitost a podporovat kvalitní autorské filmy.

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