Scéna z filmu EGOnomics
Scéna z filmu EGOnomics
Scéna z filmu EGOnomics
Scéna z filmu EGOnomics
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Everybody has an opinion or a story to tell about their manager. Most of the time our impressions are not that positive. In a survey conducted by the Munich based Geva Institute it has been reported that in Germany about 88 percent of the workers have problems with their superiors. One in five confessed even to hate the person that they were accountable to. As a result, almost 70 percent of employees have said they take very little to no pleasure from their work, 18 percent have withdrawn internally from their work and colleagues and only 12 percent are actually motivated to carry out their work. Why is that so? What went wrong? And what are the abilities a boss or manager of a global company has to have or seems not to have anymore?

EGOnomics looks to answer these questions through a critique of neoliberalism. The film attempts to show how the ideology of neoliberalism is deeply flawed: showing it as presiding over the relentless expansion of free market economics and the belief in endless growth, regardless if this growth is in fact negative. In order to examine how neoliberalism operates the documentary interviews a range of characters from scientists, psychologists, and CEOs, like Paul Bulcke from Nestlé.


  • Originální název
  • Režie
  • Scénář
    Katja Duregger
  • Kamera
    Klaus Sturm
  • Střih
    Michael Wende
  • Zvuk
    Lenin De Losreyes, Manuel Ernst
  • Délka
    53 min (46-90 min.)
  • Rok
  • Země
    • Německo
  • Barva
    • Barevný
  • Produkce

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