Scéna z filmu Tlatelolco / DE version
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Tlatelolco / DE version

  • Rakousko
  • Mexiko
Jazyky ve filmu 

When a tourist bus passes by the Plaza de las tres Culturas in Mexico City, the tourist guide has a challenge. The square in the center of the Tlatelolco-Nonoalco quarter is a veritable epicenter in the pages of Mexican history: the Aztecs retreated to this area under Cuauhtémoc before their ultimate defeat by the Spanish conquistadors in 1521; here, on October 2, 1968, ten days before the opening of the Olympic Games in Mexico, a student demonstration was violently suppressed; and in 1985 a massive earthquake toppled high-rise buildings in the immediate surroundings. The latter two events become the decisive historical markers for filmmaker Lotte Schreiber in this video, that otherwise delves above all into the spatial dimension. Rather than focusing on the monuments and representational architecture of the Plaza, Tlatelolco concentrates on the neighboring residential high-rises. Built in the 1960s under the supervision of the modernist Mario Pani, Unidad Habitacional Nonoalco-Tlatelolco, is the largest apartment complex in Mexico City. Realized at the zenith of Mexico´s economic boom Pani´s vision of the high rise as a “vertical city” beyond class distinctions has itself been shaken up on multiple occasions.


  • Originální název
    Tlatelolco / DE version
  • Režie
  • Kamera
    Rafael Ortega, Johannes Hammel
  • Střih
    Lotte Schreiber
  • Hudba
    Steven Hess, Stefan Németh
  • Zvuk
    Fridolin Schönwiese
  • Délka
    74 min (46-90 min.)
  • Rok
  • Země
    • Rakousko
    • Mexiko
  • Barva
    • Barevný
  • Distribuce

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