Scéna z filmu Gare du Nord
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Gare du Nord

  • Francie
  • Kanada
Jazyky ve filmu 

Paris, Gare du Nord, a place where anything can happen and even trains pull in at all hours of the day. We'd like to linger, but have to get on our way... Like the thousands of lives that cross paths here, Ismaël, Mathilde, Sacha, and Joan encounter each other in the bustling crowds. Each day, Ismaël is stunned, fascinated, and exhausted by this place. He sees Mathilde for the first time on an RER platform. Little by little, they fall in love. They encounter Sacha and Joan. Sacha is looking for his daughter who has disappeared, while Joan spends her life in this station, passing through it on her way to Lille, London, and Paris. The station is like a bubble, where French, immigrants, emigrants, travelers and ghosts bump into each other and move on. It's a crossroads where each person passes quickly and then disappears.


  • Originální název
    Gare du Nord
  • Režie
  • Scénář
    Claire Simon, Shirel Amitay, Olivier Lorelle
  • Kamera
    Richard Copans
  • Střih
    Julien Lacheray
  • Hudba
    Marc Ribot
  • Zvuk
    Thierry Morlaas-Lurbe, Julien Lacheray, Thomas Desjonquères, Marie-Claude Gagné, Stéphane Thiébaut
  • Délka
    115 min (91+ min.)
  • Rok
  • Země
    • Francie
    • Kanada
  • Barva
    • Barevný

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