Scéna z filmu Daldongne 33 Up
Scéna z filmu Daldongne 33 Up
Scéna z filmu Daldongne 33 Up
Scéna z filmu Daldongne 33 Up
Scéna z filmu Daldongne 33 Up
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Daldongne 33 Up

  • Jižní Korea
Jazyky ve filmu 

There is a family. Grandmother settled down in Sadang-dong and looked after her son and three grandchildren. After the Sadang-dong house was demolished, the family was lucky enough to find a rental apartment in Sanggye-dong.

A Nice Place (2009), the previous work by director CHO Uhn, an emeritus professor of sociology at Dongguk University, was a documentary about the life of this family for 10 years. 'Daldongne 33 Up is a record of what happens in the next 10 years. While the previous work focused on the process of handing down poverty, this film seems to approach the true nature of life beyond sociology or anthropological ethnography. The three grandchildren, who were young in the previous work, are now middle-aged, and their children are becoming adults. The life of this large family is still not easy. Sometimes it’s because of poverty and sometimes it’s not. The virtue of this film is that it tries to show as it is without trying to piece reality together into some theory or perspective. The reason for resonance lies in the subtitles at the beginning of the film. This is a story of a family. But it is not a story of the only family.’ [MOON Seok]


  • Originální název
    Daldongne 33 Up
  • Režie
  • Scénář
    CHO Uhn
  • Hrají
    JUNG Keumsun, LEE Suil, LEE Youngju, LEE Eunju
  • Kamera
    KIM Wooyeon, LEE Dasom, LEE Yerim, PARK Kyoungtae
  • Střih
    LEE Eunsoo
  • Hudba
    LEE Kiyong
  • Zvuk
  • Délka
    124 min (91+ min.)
  • Rok
  • Země
    • Jižní Korea
  • Barva
    • Barevný

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