Scéna z filmu Al-Halqa - In the Storytellers Circle
Scéna z filmu Al-Halqa - In the Storytellers Circle
Scéna z filmu Al-Halqa - In the Storytellers Circle
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Al-Halqa - In the Storytellers Circle

  • Německo
Jazyky ve filmu 

On Djemaa el Fna Square in the Moroccan city of Marrakech, Abderahim El Maqori tells stories that he has been collecting in his mind and heart since he was a child. Now that he is growing older, he is teaching his son Zoheir the tricks of a dying trade. In the Halqa, the storyteller’s circle, the boy practices his skills and his father provides blunt criticism. Once Zoheir is ready for it, he and his father travel to Fez, the intellectual capital of Morocco, for the ultimate test on the large city square. The camera follows the pair on their journey, which is interspersed with stories about ghosts, kings, shoemakers and animals. However, Zoheir has to find his own style for a new generation of listeners, who do not only want to hear about days long past, but also get information about things like AIDS.

German, French and Arabic subtitles are available for download only in DVD format.

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  • Originální název
    Al-Halqa - In the Storytellers Circle
  • Režie
  • Scénář
    Thomas Ladenburger
  • Kamera
    Thomas Ladenburger
  • Střih
    Lena Rem
  • Hudba
    Halqa "Argan", Louis Soret, Jens Scheuter
  • Zvuk
    Mohamed Simou
  • Délka
    87 min (46-90 min.)
  • Rok
  • Země
    • Německo
  • Barva
    • Barevný

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