Scéna z filmu No Lullaby
Scéna z filmu No Lullaby
Scéna z filmu No Lullaby
Scéna z filmu No Lullaby
Scéna z filmu No Lullaby
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No Lullaby

  • Německo
Jazyky ve filmu 

People who are sexually abused have one thing in common with the rest of us: we would all rather believe it never happened. The strongest of all coping mechanisms for abuse victims and witnesses is to go into denial and bury it so deep that the memories never rise up again. That’s how Tina Reuther managed to keep going for 50 years, right up to the moment she hears the devastating truth from her daughter Floh, eighteen-years old at the time. Five years later, Floh made her accusation before a court of law.

No Lullaby is a reconstruction of Tina’s horrifying family history spanning three generations. Scenes from her daily life with her girlfriend alternate with intimate interviews at her kitchen table. This is where her fragility clearly shows through, and her revelations about her own and her daughter’s history of abuse are heartrending. The old photos of Floh, conversations with one of Floh’s friends, and the monotone voice-over reading aloud chilling court reports of Floh’s abuse. No Lullaby is a tragedy about a damaged young woman who made a brave decision and lost everything.


  • Originální název
  • Režie
  • Scénář
    Helen Simon, Katharina Köster, David Lindner Leporda
  • Kamera
    Carla Muresan
  • Střih
    Nina Ergang
  • Hudba
    Konstantin von Sichart
  • Zvuk
    Konstantin von Sichart, Adrian Gutzelnig
  • Délka
    75 min (46-90 min.)
  • Rok
  • Země
    • Německo
  • Barva
    • Barevný
  • Produkce

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