Scéna z filmu Resistencia
Scéna z filmu Resistencia
Scéna z filmu Resistencia
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  • Kanada
  • Honduras
Jazyky ve filmu 

June 28th, 2009. The Honduran people are preparing to vote in the first referendum in the country’s history. But, instead of waking up to ballot boxes, they see soldiers carrying out the first coup d’état in Central America in three decades.

This is the story of the two thousand farming families who challenged the coup by taking over the plantations of the most powerful landowner in the country and converting them into worker-run cooperatives.

Shot over four years, the film is both a testament to the capacity of an organized movement to transform the most fertile land in the country, as well as an account of the coup regime’s violent attempts to get the land back.


  • Originální název
  • Režie
  • Scénář
    Diego Briceño-Orduz, Jesse Freeston
  • Kamera
    Jesse Freeston
  • Střih
    Abraham Lifshitz
  • Hudba
    Stefan Christoff, Café Guancasco, Mario de Mezapa, Black Milk, Victor Jara, Black Era
  • Zvuk
    René Portillo
  • Délka
    92 min (91+ min.)
  • Rok
  • Země
    • Kanada
    • Honduras
  • Barva
    • Barevný
  • Distribuce

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