Scéna z filmu Amnesia
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Jazyky ve filmu 

Despite the fact that the film refers to after the war pogrom of Jews in Polish city of Kielce on the 4th of July 1946, Jerzy Śladkowski hasn’t made a historical film. The tragic event that had happened 70 years ago has become the background for the director’s story about a piece of evil in everyone of us.

Piotr, the main protagonist of the film, comes back from abroad to his hometown to verify what was the role of his grandfather in the Kielce pogrom. He questions members of his family and witnesses of the event, knocks on the doors of residents of the building at Planty Street 7/9 and talks to those, who are interested in Jewish history of Kielce. It turns out that verifying what had really happened is impossible. For the director, however, the facts aren’t the key aspect of the film. Telling the story from the personal perspective provides a wider context, revealing what’s untold and hidden deep. The story of Piotr portrays how much unresolved trauma can influence the lives of future generations.

A Polish Film Institute Co-financed Production.


  • Originální název
    Amnezja / ENG version
  • Režie
  • Scénář
    Piotr Piwowarczyk, Jerzy Śladkowski
  • Kamera
    Wojciech Staroń
  • Střih
    Wojciech Staroń
  • Hudba
    Michał Lorenc
  • Zvuk
    Zbigniew Waraksa
  • Délka
    53 min (46-90 min.)
  • Rok
  • Země
    • Polsko
  • Barva
    • Barevný
  • Produkce
  • Distribuce
  • Festivaly
    • Krakow Film Festival, Poland, 2015
    • Warsaw Jewish Film Festival, Poland, 2015
    • Festival Camerimage, Poland 2015
    • Escales Documentaires, France 2016
    • Neisse Film Festival, Poland-Germany, 2016

Portál je výsledkem tvůrčí spolupráce 7 klíčových evropských festivalů dokumentárního filmu sdružených do Doc Alliance. Naším cílem je posouvat hranice dokumentárního filmu, propagovat jeho rozmanitost a podporovat kvalitní autorské filmy.

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