Scéna z filmu Village of Swimming Cows
Scéna z filmu Village of Swimming Cows
Scéna z filmu Village of Swimming Cows
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Village of Swimming Cows

  • Polsko
Jazyky ve filmu 

A documentary comedy on an unusual meeting of three neo-hippies from Berlin with Polish farmers from the Eastern Poland. What happens when alternatively living Berliners meet real farmers? Is the new healthy lifestyle only a passing fashion of rich city dwellers or can it really change the world? What does it meant today to be close to nature?

Ellen, Mario and Jon, 30-year-old members of a spiritual commune – the Spirit Center head east for holiday and work experience. They make longer stay in a small Polish village close to Belarusian border where they rent an old wooden cottage from the local farmer – Stanislav. They meditate, practice acro-yoga, wash naked at the well, eat vegetables found in the garbage bin of a grocery shop so there is less food waste on our planet. They also try to make contact with the locals. For local villagers they are more exotic than any other people ever seen on TV. Despite communication barriers, culture gap and different life philosophies – is there friendship and communication possible between the neo-hippies and the farmers?

A new vision of ecological future versus old Polish rural traditions and beliefs with everyday human joys and dramas in the background.


  • Originální název
    Wieś pływających krów
  • Režie
  • Kamera
    Andrzej Wojciechowski
  • Střih
    Marek Kucharski
  • Hudba
    Bart Pałyga
  • Délka
    78 min (46-90 min.)
  • Rok
  • Země
    • Polsko
  • Barva
    • Barevný
  • Produkce
  • Festivaly
    • 18th IFF New Horizons, Poland 2018
    • Podlasie SlowFest, Poland 2018
    • Zwierzyniecka Akademia Filmowa, Poland 2018
    • Festival Opolskie Lamy, Poland 2018
    • PROVINZIALE IFF – Eberswalde, Germany 2018
    • 16th IFF Tofifest Torun Poland 2018
    • 28th Festival of Media “Man in Danger", Poland 2018
    • 8th Festival of Media “Man in Danger”
    • Camerimage Film Festival 2018
    • Och Festival Lowicz Poland 2019
    • One World IFF Prague 2019
    • Achtung Berlin April 2019
    • Kino na Granicy, Cieszyn, Poland 2019
    • Festival of Polish Films in Moscow “Wisla”, May 2019
    • “Pyszadlo” – Festival of Satirical Films in Mogilno, Poland, May 2019
    • Krakow Green Festival. August 2019
    • Moldox – International Documentary FF for Social Change in Cahul, Moldova – September 2019
    • International Helsinki Film Festival + Love & Anarchy September 2019
    • CinEast - Central and Eastern European Film Festival, Luxemburg, 2019
  • Ocenění
    • 8th Festival of Media “Man in Danger” – Special mention of the Jury
    • Achtung Berlin April 2019 – ExBerliner Award for promoting multi-culturality
    • “Pyszadlo” – Festival of Satirical Films in Moglino – Audience Award and Award of Journalists
    • Krakow Green Festival – August 2019 – 2nd Award in Documentary Category

Portál je výsledkem tvůrčí spolupráce 7 klíčových evropských festivalů dokumentárního filmu sdružených do Doc Alliance. Naším cílem je posouvat hranice dokumentárního filmu, propagovat jeho rozmanitost a podporovat kvalitní autorské filmy.

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