Scéna z filmu Dance to the Spirits
Scéna z filmu Dance to the Spirits
Scéna z filmu Dance to the Spirits
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Dance to the Spirits

  • Španělsko

Dance to the Spirits is a creative documentary project that was shot in Nsola, an Evuzok village in the middle of the south Cameroon jungle. To the Evuzok there are two kinds of diseases that require different treatments: the «natural» ones and the ones from the night world, caused by sorcery. This is the story of Mba Owona Pierre the village chief and the ngengang, the «healer». He handles the sicknesses that come from the night world where spirits live and attack his people. This way Pierre is the anti-sorcerer; he has a special gift and a responsibility towards his fellow villagers.

The dance to the spirits is his most important healing ritual. It is at the same time a performance to overwhelm those who assist but also an authentic catharsis. Pierre travels to the night world so that he can liberate Christine from the curse she suffers from. It goes on for several hours in which the ngengang dresses up with the help of two neophytes, talks and laughs with the participants like a true entertaining host. He sings, dances, enters into a trance and follows all the steps of the healing ritual to treat his patient. In the next day Pierre comes out of his house to his daily routines: the cleaning of his porch, the seating up of the fire for the teapot… With the first light, everything is back to normal.

This film is the portrait of an extraordinary character and a tribute to the Evuzok culture.

French and Spanish subtitles are available only in Full HD download format.


  • Originální název
    Danza a los Espíritus
  • Režie
  • Scénář
    Ricardo Íscar, Daria Esteva
  • Kamera
    Ricardo Íscar
  • Střih
    Núria Esquerra, Raúl Cuevas
  • Zvuk
    Sosthene Fokam Kamga
  • Délka
    79 min (46-90 min.)
  • Rok
  • Země
    • Španělsko
  • Barva
    • Barevný
  • Produkce
  • Festivaly
    • Rotterdam International Film Festival (2010)
    • Festival Internacional de Cine Documental de Navarra “Punto de Vista” (2010)
    • Buenos Aires Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente (BAFICI) (2010)
    • Festival de Cine de Málaga (2010)
    • Jean Rouch International Film Festival (2010)
    • Beach Festival du Documentaire (Kribi. Cameroun) (2010)
    • Parnu International Documentary and Anthropology Film Festival (Estonia) (2010)
    • Les États Généraux du Film Documentaire (Lussas. France) (2010)
    • Planet in Focus International Environmental Film & Video Festival in Toronto, Canada (2010)
    • Muestra Cinematográfica del Atlántico - Alcances (2010)
    • DOK Leipzig (2010)
    • DocLisboa (2010)
    • Festival de Cine Arica Nativa (Chile) (2010)
    • Vienna International Film Festival (Viennale) (2010)
    • Festival Internacional de Cine de Cali (2010)
    • (Bello Horizonte, Brasil) (2010)
    • Festival International du Film Documentaire Images en Live (Yaoundé, Cameroun) (2010)
    • Festival Mondial des Arts Nègres (Dakar) (2010)
    • FESPACO (Burkina faso) (2011)
    • Bradford International Film Festival (2011)
    • Russian Anthropological Film Festival (RAFF) Ekaterinburg (Russia) (2011)
    • PLANET DOC (Warsaw) (2011)
    • RAI International Festival of Ethnographic Film at UCL, London (2011)
    • Festival de Cine Africano de Tarifa (2011)
    • IV Festival Internacional de Cinema - FIC Luanda

Portál je výsledkem tvůrčí spolupráce 7 klíčových evropských festivalů dokumentárního filmu sdružených do Doc Alliance. Naším cílem je posouvat hranice dokumentárního filmu, propagovat jeho rozmanitost a podporovat kvalitní autorské filmy.

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